Published on:February 2017
    Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine, 2017; 3(2):43-47
    Review Article | doi:10.5530/jppcm.2017.2.12

    Medication Safety Beyond the Hospital and Role of Pharmacists in Ambulatory Medication Safety Process

    Authors and affiliation (s):

    Mohammed Alshakka*1, Mohamed Azmi Hassali2, Heyam Ali3, Aymen Saleh Abdulla4, P Ravi Shankar5, Huda Basaleem6, Mohammed Izham Mohamed Ibrahim7

    1Section of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Aden University, Aden, Yemen.

    2Discipline of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia.

    3Department of Pharmaceutics, Dubai Pharmacy College, Dubai, UAE

    4Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Aden, Yemen.

    5Department of Pharmacology, Xavier University School of Medicine, Aruba, Kingdom of the Netherlands.

    6Department of Community Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Yemen.

    7Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice Section, College of Pharmacy Doha University, Qatar.


    Medication safety is one of the challenges which is in focus now-a-days, and various approaches to reduce the incidence of medication related problems and risks are ongoing. Most initiatives have concentrated on medication safety in the hospital setting considering the increased risks of medication errors in hospitals. However, there are various factors and areas to be addressed regarding medication safety beyond the hospital setting. Although, attitudes towards medication use are changing among the public and health providers but, still the use of medicines beyond hospital settings requires more attention. Great efforts are needed in this area, due to diversity in the types of errors, the relationship between the provider and the patient, information transfer, optimization of e-prescribing systems, the lack of adequate training in analyzing the collected data and poor practical strategies for maintaining accurate medication lists in electronic medical records. Recently individuals have started becoming aware of the risks of patients’ medication exposure, however, still the area of medication safety beyond the hospital setting needs community pharmacy intervention to avoid malpractice claims and misled decisions in solving medication safety-related problems in the outpatient setting . All these approaches will help in identify and prompt the detection of errors, open productive discussions, quality control checks, and effective wise system based decisions, and subsequently reduce the harm and risks before patient is exposed to any form of medication. 

    Key words: Drug safety, ADRs reporting, Ambulatory care, Role of pharmacists.

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